Barry Manilow - I haven't changed the room Sözleri

Here is the room that we shared
It's the room that you cared for
So I haven't changed the room
How did the years slip away?
I could swear you're still there
For I haven't changed the room

Now that you're gone
What am I to do?
So many fantasies
Plans that we made
That will never come true

Oh and I haven't changed all that much
And I'm sure you'd be proud
Of the way that I came through
So if you happen to be passing by
To make sure that you'd recognize it
I haven't changed the room

I haven't changed the room sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Barry Manilow - I haven't changed the room şarkı sözü
Barry Manilow - I haven't changed the room sözleri
I haven't changed the room - Barry Manilow şarkı sözü
I haven't changed the room - Barry Manilow şarkı sözleri
I haven't changed the room sözleri
Barry Manilow - I haven't changed the room lyrics
Barry Manilow - I haven't changed the room Şarkı Sözleri I haven't changed the room şarkı sözü ara

Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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I haven't changed the room - Barry Manilow için Yorum Yap :

Barry Manilow
I haven't changed the room
E.Tarihi :25-07-2012
S.Tarih :12-12-2024
Gösterim :1070

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