The Ergs! - 2nd foundation Sözleri

You don't need a four year degree
In modern poli-sci
To take a look around and figure out
It's all gone awry

But to fix it all you'll probably
Need a PhD
Along with some elementary
Form of telepathy

What if Asimov didn't lose the bet
With Scientology?
And in its place he laid the base
For psycho-history
And an unseen group watched over us
Well, that'd be fine with me

Right now we'll cross all our fingers
And hope it turns out alright
And if the 2nd foundation had our backs
We'd all sleep a little better tonight

Could you imagine bringing generals
Down to humbled knees?
With only hand-calculated

While somewhere farther than our sense
Of distance comprehends
The mental firepower ties
Up all those loose ends

Isn't depressing how a pleasant
Utopian dream
Is only plausible within a genre
Of a time machine?
Put it on the back burner
Until we wipe the slate clean

Right now we'll pound hand to fist
Always looking for a fight
And if the 2nd foundation had our backs
We'd all sleep a little better tonight

2nd foundation sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
The Ergs!

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The Ergs! - 2nd foundation şarkı sözü
The Ergs! - 2nd foundation sözleri
2nd foundation - The Ergs! şarkı sözü
2nd foundation - The Ergs! şarkı sözleri
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The Ergs!
2nd foundation
E.Tarihi :08-04-2013
S.Tarih :08-10-2024
Gösterim :572

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü