The Boomtown Rats - Another piece of red Sözleri

I was reading in New Zealand about Ian Smith
I was thinking they were lucky to be rid of that shit
The people here can still believe in stiff lips and stiff collars
They're speaking deals in English
But they're making deals in dollars
They're breaking up an empire
Nobody's buying British
They're calling for an umpire
Nobody's playing cricket
The flags are coming down everybody stands saluting
But somewhere in the distance, I can hear somebody shooting

And another piece of red left my atlas today

It's so long Hong Kong and no more Singapore
Those steaming nights of Malta
Goodbye Gibraltar
I'll give you arms for Africa
I'm hungry for India
The sun's set on Australia
And vive le Canada

Theyre breaking up an empire
Nobody's buying British
Calling for an umpire
It really isn't cricket
The flags are coming down
There's a minimum of looting
Somewhere in the distance I can see somebody shooting
And another piece of red left my atlas today

Another piece of red sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
The Boomtown Rats

The Boomtown Rats Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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The Boomtown Rats - Another piece of red şarkı sözü
The Boomtown Rats - Another piece of red sözleri
Another piece of red - The Boomtown Rats şarkı sözü
Another piece of red - The Boomtown Rats şarkı sözleri
Another piece of red sözleri
The Boomtown Rats - Another piece of red lyrics
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Another piece of red - The Boomtown Rats için Yorum Yap :

The Boomtown Rats
Another piece of red
E.Tarihi :13-03-2013
S.Tarih :12-12-2024
Gösterim :650

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü