Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks Sözleri

Verse 1:
Two weeks from now we'd be kissing
Two weeks from now I'd be missing
Two weeks from now you'd be listening
Two weeks from now ow ow
Two weeks from now we'd be together
Two weeks from now I'd be better
Two weeks from now you'd be forever
Two weeks from now ow ow

The wait is just too long
We just gotta stay strong
It's only fourteen days
Till my dreams become reality

Verse 2:
Two weeks from now we'd have fun
Two weeks from now I'd be in the sun
Two weeks from now you'd be the one
Two weeks from now ow ow
Two weeks from now we'd last for time
Two weeks from now I'd be paralised
Two weeks from now you'd be mine
Two weeks from now ow ow

Chorus x1

Chorus #2:
It's been two weeks
Just kiss don't speak
The wait was worth it
All the time we skipped

Verse 3:
Two weeks from then and we're great
Two weeks from then and not late
Two weeks from then and we're kissing
Two weeks from then and we're listening
Two weeks from then en en
Two weeks from then and we're together
Two weeks from then and we're forever
Two weeks from then and we're laughing
Two weeks from then and we're bragging
Two weeks from then en en

2 weeks sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks şarkı sözü
Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks sözleri
2 weeks - Miley Cyrus şarkı sözü
2 weeks - Miley Cyrus şarkı sözleri
2 weeks sözleri
Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks lyrics
Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks Şarkı Sözleri 2 weeks şarkı sözü ara

Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

Miley Cyrus - 2 weeks şarkı sözü için yapılan yorumlar :
Bu şarkı sözü için henüz yorum yapılmamış ilk yorumu siz yapmak istermisiniz ?
2 weeks - Miley Cyrus için Yorum Yap :

Miley Cyrus
2 weeks
E.Tarihi :15-09-2013
S.Tarih :10-10-2024
Gösterim :685

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü