John Mellencamp - Overture Sözleri

She had a dream
And boy it was a good one
So she chased after her dream
With much desire
But when she got too close
To her expectations
Well the dream burned up
Like paper in fire

Paper in fire
Stinkin' up the ashtrays
Paper in fire
Smokin' up the alleyways
Who's to say the way
A man should spend his days
Do you let them smolder
Like paper in fire

He wanted love
With no invovlement
So he chased the wind
That's all his silly life required
And the days of vanity
Went on forever

Overture sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
John Mellencamp

John Mellencamp Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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John Mellencamp - Overture şarkı sözü
John Mellencamp - Overture sözleri
Overture - John Mellencamp şarkı sözü
Overture - John Mellencamp şarkı sözleri
Overture sözleri
John Mellencamp - Overture lyrics
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Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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Overture - John Mellencamp için Yorum Yap :

John Mellencamp
E.Tarihi :05-09-2013
S.Tarih :27-04-2024
Gösterim :555

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