Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized Sözleri

It's the same kind of story
that seems to come
down from long ago
Two friends having coffee together
when something flies
by their window
It might be out on that lawn
Which is wide, at least
half of a playing field
Because there's no explaining
what your imagination
can make you see and feel

Seems like a dream
Got me hypnotized

Now it's not a meaningless question
to ask if they've been and gone
I remember a talk about
North Carolina and a
strange strange pond
You see the sides were like glass
In the thick of a
forest without a road
And if any man's hand
ever made that land
Then I think it would've showed

Seems like a dream
Got me hypnotized

They say there's a
place down in Mexico
where a man can fly
over mountains and hills
And he don't need an airplane
or some kind of engine
and he never will
Now you know it's a meaningless question
To ask if those stories are right
'Cause what matters most is the feeling
You get when you're hypnotized

Seems like a dream
Got me hypnotized

Hypnotized sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized şarkı sözü
Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized sözleri
Hypnotized - Fleetwood Mac şarkı sözü
Hypnotized - Fleetwood Mac şarkı sözleri
Hypnotized sözleri
Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized lyrics
Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized Şarkı Sözleri Hypnotized şarkı sözü ara

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Hypnotized - Fleetwood Mac için Yorum Yap :

Fleetwood Mac
E.Tarihi :21-11-2013
S.Tarih :09-05-2024
Gösterim :596

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