Doobie Brothers - 45th floor Sözleri

Politician drivin' down the road
Flashin' that smile that got him the vote
Here's another country girl
He's teachin' her about the world in his room
On the 45th floor - get 'em all while they're young

Campaign money comes rollin' in
Ain't nobody askin' where it's been
Talk about a smokin' gun
What'd we pay to get his son out of jail
Don't inhale
On the 45th floor

We all know what's been happenin'
Ain't no slappin' him down
We're supposedly invited to the party
But the elevator's never gonna stop
On the 45th floor
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
'Cause we're all gonna pay the price
And the party rolls on

Used to be a rumour goin' round
The people tried to run my man outta town
We thought we'd see him ride the rails
No one's ever gonna nail him down
All because of the 45th floor

We all know what's been happenin'
Ain't no slappin' him down
We're supposedly invited to the party
But the elevator's never gonna stop
On the 45th floor
Oesn't matter if it's day or night
'Cause we're all gonna pay the price
And the party rolls on

None of these fools ever thinks about the pain they cause
It's all about an image to uphold
How could anybody be so bold
Takin' all the candy from the hands of a child

We all know what's been happenin'
Ain't no slappin' him down
We're supposedly invited to the party
But the elevator's never gonna stop
On the 45th floor
Doesn't matter if it's day or night
'Cause we're all gonna pay the price
And the party rolls on

Doesn't matter if it's day or night
'Cause we're all gonna pay the price
And the party rolls on

45th floor sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Doobie Brothers

Doobie Brothers Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Doobie Brothers - 45th floor şarkı sözü
Doobie Brothers - 45th floor sözleri
45th floor - Doobie Brothers şarkı sözü
45th floor - Doobie Brothers şarkı sözleri
45th floor sözleri
Doobie Brothers - 45th floor lyrics
Doobie Brothers - 45th floor Şarkı Sözleri 45th floor şarkı sözü ara

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45th floor - Doobie Brothers için Yorum Yap :

Doobie Brothers
45th floor
E.Tarihi :12-03-2013
S.Tarih :15-10-2024
Gösterim :713

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü