Def Leppard - Another hit and run Sözleri

Union Jack is back with a hole in his head
He's gettin' badly burned every time
He's laughin' at me and dancin' on my sneakers
And his sixties songs are blowin' up my speakers

I say you got no respect
Respect for authority
You're just playing your dirty tricks
And then come cryin' to me

Hit and run, hit and run
It's just a hit and run
Another hit and run

The bulldog lost his bite and his breath has gone bad
And the whole damn world is really laughin' mad

[Repeat Bridge]

[Repeat Chorus]

Hit it!!
Oh bring it down
Oh you bring it down

I say you ain't got no respect
I say you ain't got no respect
No you ain't got no respect
And you hit me when I'm down

Hit and run, hit and run
It's just another hit and run
I said it's just another hit and run

Oh yeah, hit and run
Oh yeah, hit and run
Oh yeah, hit and run
Oh yeah, hit and run
Oh yeah, hit and run
It's just another hit and run
Hit and run

Another hit and run sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Def Leppard

Def Leppard Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Def Leppard - Another hit and run şarkı sözü
Def Leppard - Another hit and run sözleri
Another hit and run - Def Leppard şarkı sözü
Another hit and run - Def Leppard şarkı sözleri
Another hit and run sözleri
Def Leppard - Another hit and run lyrics
Def Leppard - Another hit and run Şarkı Sözleri Another hit and run şarkı sözü ara

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Another hit and run - Def Leppard için Yorum Yap :

Def Leppard
Another hit and run
E.Tarihi :12-08-2013
S.Tarih :04-12-2024
Gösterim :669

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü