Deep Purple - Almost human Sözleri

I know youre the only one who understands
Afore ye go, before you leave
You always shake my hand
Even when Im crazy, on fire and naked
Just as nature intended
No style but easily blended

You always know where Ill be found
Hanging somewhere near the ground
Help me up or help me down

Dont want to lose those days
When everything is just a haze
Im dreaming

I believe I could walk before I learned to crawl
When I look up, the devils looking back
From the mirror on the wall
You can open the door
Got my feet stuck to the floor
I may have lost my way
But I didnt get where I am today

Dont want to lose those days
When everything is just a haze
Im dreaming

You spin into my empty room
And once again Im almost human
Almost human

Almost human sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Deep Purple

Deep Purple Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Deep Purple - Almost human şarkı sözü
Deep Purple - Almost human sözleri
Almost human - Deep Purple şarkı sözü
Almost human - Deep Purple şarkı sözleri
Almost human sözleri
Deep Purple - Almost human lyrics
Deep Purple - Almost human Şarkı Sözleri Almost human şarkı sözü ara

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Almost human - Deep Purple için Yorum Yap :

Deep Purple
Almost human
E.Tarihi :26-03-2013
S.Tarih :09-12-2024
Gösterim :685

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü