Bon Jovi - Always run to you Sözleri

The clock strikes ten
Out on the streets again
I been looking for something to please me since I don't know when
Out on the dark side of town
Another rumble's gone down
And life on the high side isn't what this boys about

She's got something I want man, it's something I need
It takes more than the night to satisfy me

I stand accused
I can always run to you
Any road that you choose
I can always run to you
I stand accused
I can always run to you
I run to you
Baby, I can always run

To a heart of chrome
And a soul of steel
We've done more white lines than you'll know any one we could steal
And when I give her the gun
You know she feels so right
And we don't let go when we're alone when I'm holding her so tight

She's got something I want man, it's something I need
It takes more than the night to satisfy me


And when the morning comes and I go to sleep
When I close my eyes she's waiting for me
I know that tonight she'll satisfy me


Always run to you sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Bon Jovi - Always run to you şarkı sözü
Bon Jovi - Always run to you sözleri
Always run to you - Bon Jovi şarkı sözü
Always run to you - Bon Jovi şarkı sözleri
Always run to you sözleri
Bon Jovi - Always run to you lyrics
Bon Jovi - Always run to you Şarkı Sözleri Always run to you şarkı sözü ara

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Always run to you - Bon Jovi için Yorum Yap :

Bon Jovi
Always run to you
E.Tarihi :19-03-2013
S.Tarih :02-12-2024
Gösterim :718

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü