Bomb The Music Industry - Are fucking dead Sözleri

One more just passed me by
I'm running out of fake interest in everybody doing shit
I think about ten months ago when
I was drinking in Seattle about as far away as I could go

So wait 'til tomorrow
It's happiness vs. survival
And you know that life can be a drag
I'll be happy at the bottom of the pile
Brass rings were never my style
Don't mind me 'cause soon I'll be out of your way

Where can anyone possibly be comfortable?
'Cause everybody has to eat and there's not enough to go around
At a job working for a power grab or at a show bitching about a time slot
We all gotta be heard and it's all the same
No one has interesting to say

Say "Fuck tomorrow!"
Stop worrying about your survival
You know that life can be a drag
You'll punch and kick to the top of the heap
And you'll be replaceable like all the other sheep
Workers of the world unite and just give up

Give up on me 'cause the truth is I'm not happy either way
Everyone is SOOO original
Everybody's clever nowadays
I wanna drop out of the human race tonight

I'll wait til tomorrow
I always wait til tomorrow
You crushed my spirits for today
I'm happy at the bottom of the pile
Brass rings were never my style
Just try and be polite when you push me out of your way

Are fucking dead sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bomb The Music Industry

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Bomb The Music Industry - Are fucking dead şarkı sözü
Bomb The Music Industry - Are fucking dead sözleri
Are fucking dead - Bomb The Music Industry şarkı sözü
Are fucking dead - Bomb The Music Industry şarkı sözleri
Are fucking dead sözleri
Bomb The Music Industry - Are fucking dead lyrics
Bomb The Music Industry - Are fucking dead Şarkı Sözleri Are fucking dead şarkı sözü ara

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Are fucking dead - Bomb The Music Industry için Yorum Yap :

Bomb The Music Industry
Are fucking dead
E.Tarihi :01-08-2012
S.Tarih :02-12-2024
Gösterim :833

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü