Bomb The Music Industry - All ages shows Sözleri

All of my work was done
I turned the TV on and I forgot that I can turn it off

We live up on the top
They leave the door unlocked
So just come in
I don't need to buzz you up
and I never go anywhere

I am a babbling brook
You are a pile of bricks
You'll stop the flood and it will make me sick

You are the shoes and feet
I am a pile of shit
I'm fucking up a good relationship
and I never go anywhere

In a trashed room in 1996
A fourteen year old punk and in a flash I'm my parents
And we'll never know love, 'cause I was too busy talking to my Green Day posters
They never said nothing to me

Let's start a conversation about anything
I'm tired of arguing
It isn't fun for me
Reverse psychology instead of just listening up - that always seemed stupid to me

Can you stay here?
Can we blast the Descendents?
Can we turn our phones off and get lost in The Simpsons?
I feel inches away from getting swallowed by darkness
And I know that you're tired, but can you draw back the curtains for me?

My friends ain't all that great
We play in legion halls, slam beers outside, relieve ourselves on walls

My friends ain't all that bad
We play all ages shows and we'll start on time if you decide to go

All ages shows sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bomb The Music Industry

Bomb The Music Industry Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Bomb The Music Industry - All ages shows şarkı sözü
Bomb The Music Industry - All ages shows sözleri
All ages shows - Bomb The Music Industry şarkı sözü
All ages shows - Bomb The Music Industry şarkı sözleri
All ages shows sözleri
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Bomb The Music Industry
All ages shows
E.Tarihi :20-08-2013
S.Tarih :02-12-2024
Gösterim :587

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü