Bob Dylan - Belle isle Sözleri

One evening for pleasure I rambled to view
The fair fields all alone
Down by the banks of Loch Eiron
Where beauty and pleasure were known

I spied a fair maid at her labour
Which caused me to stay for a while
And I thought of a goddess to beauty
Bloomin' bright star of Bright Isle

I humbled myself to her beauty
"Fair maiden, where do you belong
Are you from heaven descended
Abiding in Cupid's fair throne"

"Young man, I will tell you a secret
It's true I'm a maid that is poor
And to part from my vows and my promise
Is more than my heart can endure

Therefore I remain at my service
And go through all my hardship and toil
And wait for the lad that has left me
All alone on the banks of Belle Isle"

"Young maiden I wish not to banter
It's true I come here in disguise
I came here to fulfill our last promise
And hope to give you a surprise

I've known you're a maid I love dearly
And you've been in my heart all the while
For me there is no other damsel
Than my bloomin' bright star of Belle Isle"

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Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Bob Dylan - Belle isle şarkı sözü
Bob Dylan - Belle isle sözleri
Belle isle - Bob Dylan şarkı sözü
Belle isle - Bob Dylan şarkı sözleri
Belle isle sözleri
Bob Dylan - Belle isle lyrics
Bob Dylan - Belle isle Şarkı Sözleri Belle isle şarkı sözü ara

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Belle isle - Bob Dylan için Yorum Yap :

Bob Dylan
Belle isle
E.Tarihi :30-09-2013
S.Tarih :10-01-2025
Gösterim :680

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü