Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying Sözleri

You been down to the bottom with a bad man, babe
But you're back were you belong
Go get me my pistol, babe
Honey, I can't tell right from wrong

Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying
You know, I know the sun will always shine
So baby, please stop crying 'cause it's tearing up my mind

Go down to the river, babe
Honey, I will meet you there
Go down to the river, babe
Honey, I will pay your fare

Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying
You know, I know the sun will always shine
So baby, please stop crying 'cause it's tearing up my mind

If you're looking for assistance, babe
Or if you just want some company
Or if you just want a friend you can talk to
Honey, come and see about me

Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying
You know, I know the sun will always shine
So baby, please stop crying 'cause it's tearing up my mind

You been hurt so many times
And I know what you're thinking of
Well, I don't have to be no doctor, babe
To see that you're madly in love

Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Baby, please stop crying
You know, I know the sun will always shine
So baby, please stop crying 'cause it's tearing up my mind

Baby, stop crying sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying şarkı sözü
Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying sözleri
Baby, stop crying - Bob Dylan şarkı sözü
Baby, stop crying - Bob Dylan şarkı sözleri
Baby, stop crying sözleri
Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying lyrics
Bob Dylan - Baby, stop crying Şarkı Sözleri Baby, stop crying şarkı sözü ara

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Baby, stop crying - Bob Dylan için Yorum Yap :

Bob Dylan
Baby, stop crying
E.Tarihi :01-09-2013
S.Tarih :15-01-2025
Gösterim :671

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü