Bob Dylan - Apple suckling tree Sözleri

Under that apple suckling tree, oh yeah, under that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah ! Underneath that tree, there's just gonna be you and me
Under that apple suckling tree, oh yeah

Old man sailin' in a dinghy boat
Down there
Old man sailin' in a dinghy boat
On there
Gonna pull man down on a suckling hook
Gonna pull man into the suckling brook
Oh yeah !

Now, he's underneath that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah !
Under that apple suckling tree
Oh yeah !
That's underneath that tree
There's gonna be just you and me
Underneath that apple suckling tree

I push him back and I stand in line
Oh yeah
Then I hush my Sadie and stand in line
Oh yeah
Then I hush my Sadie and stand in line
I get on board in two-eyed time
Oh yeah

Now, who's on the table, who's tell me
Oh yeah
Who's on the table, who's tell me ?
Oh yeah
Who should I tell, oh, who should I tell
The forty-nine of you like bats out of hell
Oh, underneath that old apple suckling tree

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Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Bob Dylan - Apple suckling tree şarkı sözü
Bob Dylan - Apple suckling tree sözleri
Apple suckling tree - Bob Dylan şarkı sözü
Apple suckling tree - Bob Dylan şarkı sözleri
Apple suckling tree sözleri
Bob Dylan - Apple suckling tree lyrics
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Apple suckling tree - Bob Dylan için Yorum Yap :

Bob Dylan
Apple suckling tree
E.Tarihi :07-10-2013
S.Tarih :05-12-2024
Gösterim :691

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