Black Kites - Advancement to ruins Sözleri

Selfish reasons don't excuse the scars we leave on everything
From creatures to earth
And we're the advanced ones
Advancement to destroy
advancement to ruins
in the name of convenience
for selfish people with easy ways out
No work, no more, no interaction
I'm getting lazy
Social life, so yesterday
Health is just a swallow away
Some more fuel just off these shores
Look at how far we've come
Society will be its own suicide
But we just sit back with eyes glued to the screen
Revel in this idea of "how far we've come"
How long can this last

Advancement to ruins sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Black Kites

Black Kites Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Black Kites - Advancement to ruins şarkı sözü
Black Kites - Advancement to ruins sözleri
Advancement to ruins - Black Kites şarkı sözü
Advancement to ruins - Black Kites şarkı sözleri
Advancement to ruins sözleri
Black Kites - Advancement to ruins lyrics
Black Kites - Advancement to ruins Şarkı Sözleri Advancement to ruins şarkı sözü ara

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Advancement to ruins - Black Kites için Yorum Yap :

Black Kites
Advancement to ruins
E.Tarihi :10-08-2012
S.Tarih :02-12-2024
Gösterim :750

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü