Birdy - Be free Sözleri

The rain falls, to the ground
So much harder when you’re not around
‘Cause my love for you
Is so strong
But is yours really true?
You said you loved me
But my heart still says we’re through
I’m feeling sorrow
But there’s nothing I can do
You can do what you want, baby
‘Cause I am leaving you
You can do what you want, baby
‘Cause I am leaving you
You can do what you want, baby
‘Cause I am leaving you
Leaving you
For someone who will love me true
You don’t love me
But you won’t let us be apart
It’s because you know
It will break my heart
But all the while
You’re still unhappy
So desperate to be free
And because I love you, baby
I have to let you be
So be free
I’ll let you go
I only said these things because I love you so
So, be free
I’ll let you go
I know that when you’re gone
I’m gonna miss you so
The rain falls to the ground
So much harder now you’re not around

Be free sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.

Birdy Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Birdy - Be free şarkı sözü
Birdy - Be free sözleri
Be free - Birdy şarkı sözü
Be free - Birdy şarkı sözleri
Be free sözleri
Birdy - Be free lyrics
Birdy - Be free Şarkı Sözleri Be free şarkı sözü ara

Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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Be free - Birdy için Yorum Yap :

Be free
E.Tarihi :22-05-2013
S.Tarih :14-01-2025
Gösterim :809

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