Bedük - Back on me Sözleri

why can't we let it go
what are you looking for
don't turn don't turn
don't turn your back on
me as long as I'm together with you

don't you recall any good times
do what you do to get high
baby I can take you to a higher level
If we could only be together tonight

don't turn don't turn don't turn your back on me
so ¦ can see your eyes in me
don't turn don't turn don't turn your back on me
nobody else but you I see

don't turn don't turn
don't turn your back on me

just one more night and I'll be gone
from your life what'ya looking for
but think again don't be afraid
just let your body move with me tonight
just one more night and I'll be gone

don't you recall any good times
do what you do to get high
baby I can take you to a higher level
If we could only be together tonight

*** I just can't let it go
my eyes open wide
waiting for you to do something more
baby I ain't one of those
you know me better than I know
so let me go let me go

don't turn your back on me!

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Bedük Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Bedük - Back on me şarkı sözü
Bedük - Back on me sözleri
Back on me - Bedük şarkı sözü
Back on me - Bedük şarkı sözleri
Back on me sözleri
Bedük - Back on me lyrics
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Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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Back on me - Bedük için Yorum Yap :

Back on me
E.Tarihi :16-03-2013
S.Tarih :17-01-2025
Gösterim :781

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü