Barry Manilow - Break down the door Sözleri

I'm not the man I used to be, fell down a time or two
When luck was lookin' out for me
I missed the knock and never knew I let you go
But you can't get away from me again

Do you want me to plead? Do you want me to cry?
Any proof that you need, any promise you'll buy
Do you want me to break down the door?
Do you want me to break down the door?
Break down the door

You say you saw me lose control, look now I'm in the lead
And you can have my heart and soul
I'm overhauled and guaranteed, what do you say?
Why don't you take a chance on me again?

Do you want me to plead? Do you want me to cry?
Any proof that you need, any promise you'll buy
Do you want me to break down the door?
Do you want me to break down the door?
Break down the door

Can't say for sure what's comin'
It ain't what's gone before
Except we had some damn good times
And I know we both want more

Do you want me to plead? Do you want me to cry?
Any proof that you need, any promise you'll buy
Do you want me to break, do you want me to break down?
Do you want me to break down the?
Do you want me to break down the door?

Break down the door sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Barry Manilow - Break down the door şarkı sözü
Barry Manilow - Break down the door sözleri
Break down the door - Barry Manilow şarkı sözü
Break down the door - Barry Manilow şarkı sözleri
Break down the door sözleri
Barry Manilow - Break down the door lyrics
Barry Manilow - Break down the door Şarkı Sözleri Break down the door şarkı sözü ara

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Break down the door - Barry Manilow için Yorum Yap :

Barry Manilow
Break down the door
E.Tarihi :25-08-2014
S.Tarih :03-01-2025
Gösterim :621

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü