Barry Manilow - Big city blues Sözleri

Much of my life has been spiced with romance
Too many bedrooms I've slept in by chance
Drownin' out my sorrow
Longin' for tomorrow
Caught up in the big city blues

Rain pourin' down from a cold winter sky
Don't wanna smile and I'm too sad to cry
Clouds hangin' above me
No one there to love me
Guess it's just the big city blues

Someday I'll find me the dream that I'm after
I'll know her with only a glance
She'll make me smile
And she'll fill me with laughter
And our love will be like a dance

Skies will be clear and the sweet sun will shine
I'll hold her near and I'll know that she's mine
No more stormy weather
Love will last forever
Good-bye to the big city blues

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Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Barry Manilow - Big city blues şarkı sözü
Barry Manilow - Big city blues sözleri
Big city blues - Barry Manilow şarkı sözü
Big city blues - Barry Manilow şarkı sözleri
Big city blues sözleri
Barry Manilow - Big city blues lyrics
Barry Manilow - Big city blues Şarkı Sözleri Big city blues şarkı sözü ara

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Big city blues - Barry Manilow için Yorum Yap :

Barry Manilow
Big city blues
E.Tarihi :08-04-2013
S.Tarih :03-01-2025
Gösterim :732

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü