Barry Manilow - A little travelling music, please Sözleri

On the road so long and lonely
can't believe I'm headed home to stay
God I miss my one and only
a little traveling music please
seems we're always seperating
still she doesn't let me lose my way
home is anywhere she's waiting
a little traveling music please
I may forget how much I care
but once I've left her laughter
two and three days after
I'm aware how much I miss her there
this time I'll stay home forever
hold her close and turn the world away
even if it's not forever
it it'll keep me from unraveling
a little traveling music please
two and three days after
I'm aware how much I miss her there
this time I'll stay home forever
hold her close and turn the world away
even if it's not forever
she's going to keep me from unraveling
a little traveling music please
a little traveling music please

A little travelling music, please sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Barry Manilow - A little travelling music, please şarkı sözü
Barry Manilow - A little travelling music, please sözleri
A little travelling music, please - Barry Manilow şarkı sözü
A little travelling music, please - Barry Manilow şarkı sözleri
A little travelling music, please sözleri
Barry Manilow - A little travelling music, please lyrics
Barry Manilow - A little travelling music, please Şarkı Sözleri A little travelling music, please şarkı sözü ara

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A little travelling music, please - Barry Manilow için Yorum Yap :

Barry Manilow
A little travelling music, please
E.Tarihi :11-09-2014
S.Tarih :02-12-2024
Gösterim :619

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü