Bargain Music - Blow 4 blow Sözleri

Yo yo the f the fuck with the devil and the man deniro, rah
Sticking niggers with that arrow
Here that man skely putting it down from the b.m.'s (who we putting down for bro)
Representing the C to the A (the fucking devil)
Putting it down from the boogie down (keep it real baby) ya holla

I make that old money dollar when I spitting this rhyme
I guess it's about time for niggers that's whacked about to shine
I spit that free

Blow 4 blow sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bargain Music

Bargain Music Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Bargain Music - Blow 4 blow şarkı sözü
Bargain Music - Blow 4 blow sözleri
Blow 4 blow - Bargain Music şarkı sözü
Blow 4 blow - Bargain Music şarkı sözleri
Blow 4 blow sözleri
Bargain Music - Blow 4 blow lyrics
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Blow 4 blow - Bargain Music için Yorum Yap :

Bargain Music
Blow 4 blow
E.Tarihi :27-09-2013
S.Tarih :03-01-2025
Gösterim :610

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü