Bargain Music - Black eye Sözleri

Universal Eyes
Red Eyes
White Eyes
Black Eyes

Oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I know that I'll do
Oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I know that I'll do

Coffee at 7 and then I'm at work by 9
I always thought the carefree style would be the way I lived my life
Been trippin on 1992 when all you did was smile
I guess that that's what was on my mind the day I asked you to be my wife

Now I say oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I'm the best one for you

I put away one day this week it was just for you and me
There was nothing much to fight about as far as I could see
Do you remember when I was 8 and you were 5
I spent a lifetime with you girl and now you sock me in my eye

So I say oh, oh, why you wanna give me a black eye
I'm not the best man in this world, but I'm the best one for you

Black eye, the soul brains, human rights

Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the skinny puppy
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the echo belly (She drives me crazy)
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the duran duran (and I can't help myself)
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths or I'll put on the minute men
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the o.m.d.
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths it'll be a catastrophe
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths
Don't put on the dead or alive
Don't put on the cure
Don't put on the smiths or I'll put on the capitol eye

Love and creation
Jah jah jah tell them bout jah nation
How we have to stand up and live
And give the children something to have (love)
And so they got a brand new soul (and devotion)
And everyone was in control (all commotion)
God bless jah to lay them
Yeah, come on in the family

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ho
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ho

If you asked me I would cross the greatest ocean
With wieghts tied to my toes
I would do that
I would walk over burning coals I would even jump the grand canyon on a motor bike
I would do that
There's so many things that I would do if you asked me to
But there is this one thing
You shouldn't ask me, don't ask me
Don't never never ask me to turn down the Ziggens
I would not do that
So don't ask me

Black eye sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Bargain Music

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Bargain Music - Black eye şarkı sözü
Bargain Music - Black eye sözleri
Black eye - Bargain Music şarkı sözü
Black eye - Bargain Music şarkı sözleri
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Bargain Music
Black eye
E.Tarihi :23-10-2013
S.Tarih :03-01-2025
Gösterim :629

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü