Avril Lavigne - Boxed Sözleri

Live It Up. I got something I need to share with you. Tell me it. I want to lose all the pieces. Lock Me up. I am the best thing in your life yeah. Screwed It up. Need A Head on your shoulder

But I will never trust you ever again

because you boxed me. locked me all up. cuz' you hate me. I now hate you too and you love her and you hate me but now I'm boxed and you are stuck with that brat. uh huh uh huh

lose me now. I'll just hate you again. Kick me down. I will get my revenge. Trust my head. I will hate you always. Hate her now. I guess you miss me

But I will never trust you ever again

because you boxed me. locked me all up. cuz' you hate me. I now hate you too and you love her and you hate me but now I'm boxed and you are stuck with that brat.uh huh uh huh

Oh you made the wrong decision but love me always now. You better ditch her and hopefully never kissed her I still won't take you back we can be friends

But I will never trust you ever again

because you boxed me. locked me all up. cuz' you hate me. I now hate you too and you love her and you hate me but now I'm boxed and you are stuck with that brat.uh huh uh huh

bbbbbb boxed me boxed me boxed me bbbbbb

I've been boxed

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Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Avril Lavigne - Boxed şarkı sözü
Avril Lavigne - Boxed sözleri
Boxed - Avril Lavigne şarkı sözü
Boxed - Avril Lavigne şarkı sözleri
Boxed sözleri
Avril Lavigne - Boxed lyrics
Avril Lavigne - Boxed Şarkı Sözleri Boxed şarkı sözü ara

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Boxed - Avril Lavigne için Yorum Yap :

Avril Lavigne
E.Tarihi :25-03-2013
S.Tarih :10-01-2025
Gösterim :834

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü