Art Garfunkel - Bounce Sözleri

Spin that wheel, just let go
Where she falls, nobody knows
Save your breath
Let those snake eyes roll

We bounce between the devil and the deep blue sea
Bounce between forever and what may never be
Let the light of love keep bouncing off
The diamond in the darker side of me

I never had no education
Just an in articulation of the heart
But burning deep inside me
There is a diamond in the dark

Catch that flame, let it warm your soul
Love's cruel game, is the great unknown
All that fear
Do you know you're not alone

We bounce between the devil and the deep blue sea
Bounce between forever and what may never be
We bounce between decisions, destinations constantly
Let the light of love keep bouncing off
The diamond in the darker side of me

I never had no education
Just an in articulation of the heart
But burning deep inside me
There is a diamond in the dark

A shine, a flash and then it's over
A lightning strike, a chance remark
Am I the only one here
Like a diamond in the dark
Like a diamond in the dark

Bounce sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Art Garfunkel

Art Garfunkel Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Art Garfunkel - Bounce şarkı sözü
Art Garfunkel - Bounce sözleri
Bounce - Art Garfunkel şarkı sözü
Bounce - Art Garfunkel şarkı sözleri
Bounce sözleri
Art Garfunkel - Bounce lyrics
Art Garfunkel - Bounce Şarkı Sözleri Bounce şarkı sözü ara

Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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Bounce - Art Garfunkel için Yorum Yap :

Art Garfunkel
E.Tarihi :18-03-2013
S.Tarih :25-01-2025
Gösterim :749

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü