Al Jarreau - Boogie down Sözleri

I can be what I want to
And all I need is to
Get my boogie down

I can be what I want to
You know all I need is to
Get my boogie down

You can be what I want to
And all I need is to
Get my boogie down

I got my certain and my sure 'nough on
And I'm puttin' on my really for real
You face that curtain with your best stuff on
You are the winner and you're gonna feel

You can be what you want to
And all you need is to
Get your boogie down


I got my certain and my sure 'nough on
And I'm puttin' on my really for real
You face that curtain with your best stuff on
You are the winner and you're gonna feel

You can be what you want to
And all you need is to
Get your boogie down

You can be what you want to
And all you need is to
Get your boogie down

Now you go one and two and three
Here's a little step for you and me
Come and strut your stuff but leave enough
For the nearest boogie and truest boogie woogie


Boogie down sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
Al Jarreau

Al Jarreau Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

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Al Jarreau - Boogie down şarkı sözü
Al Jarreau - Boogie down sözleri
Boogie down - Al Jarreau şarkı sözü
Boogie down - Al Jarreau şarkı sözleri
Boogie down sözleri
Al Jarreau - Boogie down lyrics
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Boogie down - Al Jarreau için Yorum Yap :

Al Jarreau
Boogie down
E.Tarihi :25-03-2013
S.Tarih :22-01-2025
Gösterim :725

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü