Aerosmith - Bacon biscuit blues Sözleri

Put your biscuits in the oven
Honey, put your buns in bed
I wanna come inside your kitchen
Wanna taste your shortening bread

I want to jump into your skillet
Honey, tickle your home fries
I gotta hambone working fill it
Won't you try it on for size

Uh uh uh uh uh
Baby ask me no questions
I'll tell you no lies
Put your biscuits in the oven
Honey, watch my dumplin

Rise up - early in the morning
Rise up - late at night
Rise up - gotta get me a warning
Rise up - gonna whet your appetite

Gonna shake and bake you honey
I want a catcher in the rye
I wanna sop up all your gravy
From your deep dish apple pie

So open up your menu
I wanna slice your honey dew
I love it honey when you
Do me like you do

Uh uh uh uh uh
And if you ask me no questions
And tell me no lies
Put your biscuits in the oven
Honey, watch my dumplin

Rise up - early in the morning
Rise up - late late late at night
Rise up - giving me no warning
Rise up - gonna wet your appetite

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Aerosmith Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
Aerosmith - Bacon biscuit blues şarkı sözü
Aerosmith - Bacon biscuit blues sözleri
Bacon biscuit blues - Aerosmith şarkı sözü
Bacon biscuit blues - Aerosmith şarkı sözleri
Bacon biscuit blues sözleri
Aerosmith - Bacon biscuit blues lyrics
Aerosmith - Bacon biscuit blues Şarkı Sözleri Bacon biscuit blues şarkı sözü ara

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Bacon biscuit blues - Aerosmith için Yorum Yap :

Bacon biscuit blues
E.Tarihi :17-10-2013
S.Tarih :26-01-2025
Gösterim :691

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü