A Whisper In The Noise - Beauty's grace Sözleri

A gentle rain on a warm night
hits the glass as I drive by
the distant lights of a town's eye
that pulls on me inside

how I wish words I could say
to bring this all to better days
beyond beauty's grace
beyond this age

the more you tire the more you can't sit
the more you bleed the more you get hit
will anybody arise to save you
when the man arrives to claim you?
when the debt comes due?

how I wish words I could say
to bring this all to better days
beyond beauty's grace
beyond this age

beyond this age

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A Whisper In The Noise

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A Whisper In The Noise - Beauty's grace sözleri
Beauty's grace - A Whisper In The Noise şarkı sözü
Beauty's grace - A Whisper In The Noise şarkı sözleri
Beauty's grace sözleri
A Whisper In The Noise - Beauty's grace lyrics
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Beauty's grace - A Whisper In The Noise için Yorum Yap :

A Whisper In The Noise
Beauty's grace
E.Tarihi :28-03-2013
S.Tarih :02-11-2024
Gösterim :701

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü