12 Rods - Boy in the woods Sözleri

Boy in the woods
guns, wine and hoods
hang the has been that never was
lost in his costume
a legend in his own mind
he's a legend in his own mind

he's for real but others think he's fake
not smart enough to see his own fate
apollo slapped him in the face

sold on the sands of morocco
english poacher
sold your soul to a soldier

there are things that he doesn't think about
like a rut is a grave with the ends knocked out
apollo no!

aaaah ah-ahh

he's for real but others think he's fake
not smart enough to see his own fate
apollo slapped him in the face

we all laugh as his life falls apart
all he wants is to win your heart
apollo knew this from the start

Boy in the woods sözleri, Muzik2.Net sayfasından yayınlanmıştır.
12 Rods

12 Rods Tüm Şarkı Sözleri

Etiketler :
12 Rods - Boy in the woods şarkı sözü
12 Rods - Boy in the woods sözleri
Boy in the woods - 12 Rods şarkı sözü
Boy in the woods - 12 Rods şarkı sözleri
Boy in the woods sözleri
12 Rods - Boy in the woods lyrics
12 Rods - Boy in the woods Şarkı Sözleri Boy in the woods şarkı sözü ara

Yorumlar / Yorum Yap

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Boy in the woods - 12 Rods için Yorum Yap :

12 Rods
Boy in the woods
E.Tarihi :22-03-2013
S.Tarih :17-01-2025
Gösterim :962

Rastgele 10 Şarkı Sözü